Reflections on a Conference (TCC 2009)

I’d like to offer a few general impressions and some specifics. First for the general ones: As always, our community was interested in being challenged. The conference was intentionally designed to offer a cross between tool-oriented sessions and ones related more to how we document rather than the tools we use. Last year, the tool-based sessions were a big hit; this year, the general consensus was that companies are less interested in spending money on new tools and…

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Some Twitter Twitterisms

Twitterisms - words that come from a need to make Twitter a personalized, unique experience. Some relate specifically to those spheres in which I orbit Twitter, others come from others…thanks to all for the contributions. Twinyan - @Buberzionist asks: If ten Jews got together to pray on Twitter it would be a Twinyan Twuttering -  @UnveilingHope explains that this term is created by combining Twitter and Stuttering - when you Tweet something twice by accident. Twammers - you…

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Future of Technical Writing with Miriam Lottner of Tech Tav

Hi everyone, I’m live blogging from inside Miriam Lottner’s session at the TCC on the future of technical writing. Her focus is on where we were, where we are, and how we move into the future. Some interesting points here, many actually. She is talking about emerging technologies. She talked about Geisha Hadasha - that’s what customers are looking for. We are  all on the social networks such as Twitter and Facebook - this is new and exciting…

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RADVISION and WritePoint DITA Solution

Alex Masycheff of WritePoint Ltd and Andy Lewis of RADVISION presented the DITA solution to the RADVISION documentation set. 30 conditionals were being managed at RADVISION to produce for combinations of documentation.  Alex led the session with the DITA implementation design, which took unstructured FrameMaker v7.2 files into structured DITA, and ultimately into XML. RADVISION’s requirement was to produce multiple pdfs and multiple online help files, reusing existing information chunks. Using the DITA solution, RADVISION can do a…

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