Since 1999, WritePoint has been offering courses that change people’s lives.  Hundreds of technical writers have received professional training from WritePoint instructors.

To learn more about our courses and other offerings, contact our Office.

WritePoint Announces Courses in June

Well, it's now the right time. After Passover, now that we are all back to our "normal" routines, it is the right time to upgrade and expand your professional skills. And to make it easier to begin, we are starting a series of crash courses designed to bring you up to date on certain skills, or teach you new ones to increase your value in the market. New! Our benchmark Technical Writing course, as well as our Marcom…

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Marketing Communications Course

We have an amazing MARCOM course beginning in Jerusalem and in Yokneam in June. The courses offer an excellent balance on on-line and off-line channels of communication. Following is a breakdown of sessions - you can sign up for all or part of the course, as it was intentionally designed as a modular offering: The Mystique of MarCom - What is MarCom, Marketing Principles The Market is a Jungle - Market Segmentation, Target Audiences, etc. "The Medium is the Massage" - Media, Print,…

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Last Call for RoboHelp Course

We're starting our next RoboHelp course this coming Sunday - May 15 (sessions will be Sunday, May 15, Tuesday May 17, and Sunday, May 22). This is a three-day course (sessions from 9:30 - 2:30). It is hands-on, intensive, and teaches you not only how to use RoboHelp, but how to write for online help! If you'd like to join us - please write to me at seminars at

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Single-Sourcing with RoboHelp 9

I had the pleasure of presenting to the TC World India 2011 in Bangalore. Sadly, there was no real interaction with my fellow Indian technical writers, but it was nice to present to the pre-conference meeting and interesting to see the variety of sessions they have scheduled over the next two days. For my fellow Israeli technical writers and others, I'm posting my presentation here. It covers three main areas: Single-Sourcing New RoboHelp 9 Features that help Single-Source…

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