Crash Course in Resumes and Interviewing Skills

If you are looking for a job – this is a great course for you! This 5-hour course offers tips and guidance in creating a successful resume and learning key interviewing skills and tactics. It covers problem areas such as how to handle a job history with gaps or “constant jumping,” how to word your resume effectively and how to prepare for the entire process of applying and interviewing for jobs. Learn why your cover letter and resume…

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Social Media Networking: Twitter Tips

Many consider Twitter the latest social media craze on the Internet. It’s called “mini-blogging” by others. The concept is - you have 140 characters to get your message across. Think fast, think short. You connect to people all over the world and you use all that you can to gain attention. This means choosing an identity that might draw people (most use their names, but others use something that points to a recognized or interesting concept. Bloggers often…

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Technical Writing and the Economy

This title weighs heavily on my mind, as does the topic in general. It’s almost too heavy for a blog post and yet it is an issue that we are all discussing. Where is technical writing going? For now, the answer seems to be “no where fast.” A disturbing trend that I am seeing in Israel involves companies making massive cuts to their staff. The technical writing department is not immune. We have been running a recent salary…

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Twitter and the Iranian Elections

A corporate blog such as this one is supposed to be professional, leaving personal and political causes to other locations. It’s probably no secret to most that I have a personal blog (it’s not professional to explain too much about it, but here’s a hint…it’s about being a soldier’s mother). Politics is another area that tends to be forbidden when in the corporate realm but recent events have shown that innovation and politics often collide. I’ve been watching…

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