MEGAComm 2012: Ending and Beginning Again

One of the things I have always loved about how the Jewish religion handles many things is this concept of ending and beginning again. It shows the cycle of things, the continuity.

Today, as I sat discussing MEGAComm 2011 with my co-workers and read emails from people who took the time to write to say how much they enjoyed it (thank you!), I decided we had to follow this tradition and already put out a call for next year.

I saw that one of our former students had written about his impressions (MEGAComm 2011: Take Aways) and saw a Twitter conversation between two students about whether they would attend next year.

And so, I thought – an ending and a beginning. Here it is then, just two days after MEGAComm 2011 – the first call for MEGAComm 2012:

If you have something you’d like to present – please email me at paula at (my desperate hope to get a tiny bit less spam).

If you have something you’d like to see presented – same idea. Write to me and I’ll see if I can find someone to present it.

If you have thoughts of any kind – on MEGAComm 2011 or MEGAComm 2012…or even beyond, please write to me. Soon, we will finalize the date and the place and this year, I want to have the program finalized much earlier so that people can read and decide what they want. Tell us your thoughts – did you like having marketing and technical topics available? Were the sessions too short?

Would a dairy meal be better than a meat one?

How many bathrooms SHOULD there have been?

Anything – everything!

And seriously – we are already looking for programming ideas for next year. Date…well, that too will soon be finalized!